09 Jun ECBID Celebrates Milestone: First OGWRP Lateral Delivers Water
Posted at 13:59h
in Voice of the Project
On May 27, the East Columbia Basin Irrigation District (ECBID) celebrated water delivery at the EL 47.5 pump station alongside individuals from the Bureau of Reclamation, Department of Ecology, Department of Ag; state legislators and regional federal legislative staff; and landowners. This is a major accomplishment and milestone for ECBID, Odessa Groundwater Replacement Program (OGWRP), and the greater Columbia Basin Project, as the first of the OGWRP laterals is finally delivering water. The first of the deep wells have been taken off the aquifer and decades of hard work is finally being realized. Partnerships and collaboration amongst all stakeholders, including legislators, made this work come to fruition.