30 Jun Potholes Bank Storage: Groundwater Program
Got water? We do. The Bureau of Reclamation still has water available in our Potholes Bank Storage Additional Artificially Stored Groundwater Program (PBS). If you are in the Mae Valley/South Frontage Road area, you may be eligible for a PBS groundwater service contract.
On Jan. 8, 1975, the Department of Ecology established the Quincy Basin Subarea, comprised of commingled public groundwater and artificially stored groundwater (ASGW).
In general, both types of groundwaters have been fully appropriated and no water remains available for withdrawal under the surface-and-groundwater codes of the State of Washington. Reclamation developed the Quincy Basin ASGW management program with the Department of Ecology to appropriate its groundwater. As of today, Quincy Basin ASGW is fully appropriated and has a long waiting list.
In December 1980, crews completed the Second Bacon Siphon and Tunnel, allowing the U.S. to supply First Phase Continuation water to the PBS area without impacting fish and wildlife populations or Project lands south of the Potholes Reservoir bank storage area. The term First Phase Continuation water describes the additional water supply available as the result of the construction of the Second Bacon Siphon and Tunnel and other facilities.
The Bureau of Reclamation has determined that users may withdraw up to 17,500 acre-feet or up to 5,000 acres of First Phase Continuation Water annually from artificially stored groundwater in PBS.
The Bureau of Reclamation issues water service contracts, effective for 20 years and subject to renewal for a similar period, for the use of First Phase Continuation Water in the PBS area. The contracts specify quantities (not to exceed 3.5 acre-feet per acre per year), rates, terms, and conditions according to Reclamation Law and Bureau Policy.
If you are located within the PBS Area and want to sign up, send a written request by email to jkier@usbr.gov or by mail to Bureau of Reclamation, Attn: Joslin Kier, 32 C Street NW, Ephrata, WA 98823. Please include the number of acres in question, what purpose the water will serve, the legal description and parcel number for your property, and your contact information.